Open Access

Table 2.

Platelet counts in treated and control dogs.

Platelet counts × 109/L
Group Dog no. Day 21 Day 22 Day 28 Day 30 Day 35 Day 37 Day 42 Day 49 Day 56
Control CC5 CDA 119 49 291 378 339 372
CD2 B63 370 469 343 386 394 340
E46 0EE 337 183 5 206 370 382 335
CC4 90E 240 284 144 97 192 78 256
CC2 21F 267 325 259 310 190 334
9B4 937 143 36 167 601 406 508
Treated group E17 E19 363 386 295 393 395 223
DF5 A66 338 363 219 344 307 430
964 441 364 411 307 388 388 451
CC2 1BD 319 391 264 357 337 353
CC2 25E 374 334 263 363 321 394
CC4 55E 262 311 234 321 309 298

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