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Table 1.

Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) lainsoni n. sp. Linear measurements (μm) and morphometric indices of trypomastigote forms in mouse peripheral blood. Smears stained by Giemsa’s method.

Parameters Minimum value Maximum value Mean SD
L 28 (Figure 2) 37 (Figures 3, 4, 20) 33.4 2.523
F 4 (Figure 2) 10 (Figures 3, 4, 20) 7.7 1.371
NA 10 (not shown) 16 (Figure 8) 13.8 1.490
PN 10 (Figures 2, 6, 9) 14.5 (Figure 13) 12.4 1.379
PK 6 (not shown) 11 (Figure 11) 8.2 1.079
KN 2 (Figures 2, 10, 12) 6 (Figure 19) 4.1 1.130
W 3 (Figure 16) 8 (Figure 6) 4.5 0.870
NI 0.67 (Figure 9) 1.36 (Figure 7) 0.93 1.140
KI 2.2 (not shown) 6 (Figures 10, 12) 3.29 0.992
W/L 0.09 (Figure 16) 0.24 (Figure 6) 0.14 0.033
F/L 0.14 (Figure 2) 0.28 (Figure 15) 0.23 0.036

Sample size = 28. SD = standard deviation. L = total length including free flagellum. F = length of the free flagellum. NA = distance from the middle of nucleus to the anterior end. PN = middle of the nucleus to the posterior end. PK = posterior end to the kinetoplast. KN = middle of nucleus to the kinetoplast. W = width. NI = nuclear index (PN/NA). KI = kinetoplastic index (PN/KN). Terminology according to Hoare (1972).

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