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Fig. 1.


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Polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) of Toxoplasma gondii in 5 % polyacrylamide gel silver stained to verify reinfection.

A – cS10-A6 locus with restriction endonuclease RsaI; mice were primary infected with the D8 strain, immunosuppressed with Cy and challenged with the EGS strain (survivors of group 4).

B – L363 locus with restriction endonuclease HpyCH4IV; mice were primary infected with the ME49 strain and challenged with the CH3 strain (group 10). RH88 (Type I), ME49 (Type II) and VEG (Type III) strains were used as reference.

M: molecular weight marker (Promega 100 pb); C: negative control, without DNA. The experiment was repeated twice and provided similar results.

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